Thursday, April 26, 2012

Deadline I won't make

I realized today that I won't have this film done in time. I've been trying to pull it together but since my teacher has been sick, my rapport has to get finished and on top of it all the sound to all my clips from the trip disappeared today and I have no idea why. I won't have it done by next Wednesday which is the deadline for our projects.

Since I have to hand in the report in time otherwise I will fail this class I've decided to put all my energy in to that at the moment. When I'm done with that I will focus on putting together the film (if I can get the sound back). Instead of trying to do both at the same time and do them half good I think it's better to do them one by one.

Wish me luck and thank you so much for reading!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Getting some more material right now and then it's time for editing!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Long way home!

Started our looong journey home yesterday at 1 pm. It's now 7.20 pm and I'm two hours away from Gothenburg were I will spend the night. Will be back home tomorrow afternoon. This trip has been so crazy and fun. I hope I have enough material to put together some sort of film (having a little bit of trouble with some clips that I can't do anything about...). Maybe need to shoot some more when I get back home, luckily there is going to be an quite big event at the skatepark this weekend!

Friday, April 6, 2012

Last days

Going home tomorrow afternoon so trying to enjoy the last day. We have all fallen in love with this place and are already planing on coming back!

Had planned to do an interview with one of the schools head teacher but had no time (been pretty sick this last few days...). Hope that I will be able to put together some sort of film anyway.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Skate School

Had skateschool with all the different classes all day yesterday. It was really hard but really fun. I think the kids enjoyed it so much and I´m so glad for that! Now I´m getting ready for a last visit at the school. We have been invited to participate on the kids athletes day. They will compete for books, "project skateboard" t-shirts and stickers!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Went to the school for the little older kids today. We met with the head teacher Judah this past Monday and got to the school just when the kids were lining up at the field next to the school. They all screamed Jambo! when we stepped out of the car and were really sweet and so full of energy!!

I told them a little bit about myself and then had a little preformance to show what skateboarding is. They all screamed and were super excited for our next visit on Thursday. Then I will have a more proper skateschool and hand out the boards and stickers. On Friday we will join the kids for their athletes day and give away t-shirts for the ones preforming the best, in both physical and theoretical.

All the smiles that I got today made all this hard work worth it!

Monday, March 26, 2012


Got a call from the schools headmaster Juda today that he wanted to meet us. So a little after 4 me, Emily, Elinor and Rory took a taxi to Nakumatt to meet him. He was really sweet and we´re gonna make our first REAL school visit tomorrow at around 3. On Wednesday we have a snorkelling trip planned but we'll go back on Thursday again! Hope to get ahold of Volker before nighttime so I can get a knife so I can put together all the boards! Oh there he came, I will get my knife.. Sweet!

Friday, March 23, 2012

FPFK School, Jogoo Ground, Ukunda

Went to my first school today! Didn't bring anything since I wanted to meet the kids and teachers first. They sang for us and then the teacher showed us around. It amazing to see the difference from Sweden. Here they start school at age 3 and have school from 8- 16, everyday.

Going back on Monday with everything!

We came just when the kids had their lunch time!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Funny but at the same time not..

When I was putting together my frist board here one of the guards walked by and asked what we were doing. Emily answered that I was putting together a skateboard and explained it is like surfing but on the streets. He said it was very cleaver of us to come up with that. I explained that it is really big in Sweden, and the rest of the world, and have been that for about 40 years.

I grabbed my skateboard and went to the supermarket. The guard asked me what it is called and what I use it for.

I'm still shocked that NOBODY knows what skatieboarding is!! Can't wait to see how the kids will react!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Whale Sharks!

Went up at 5.30 to go out looking for whale sharks. Managed to find two and swim with one! I'm so HAPPY!!

Will probably visit my first school probably on Friday since we only have tomorrow and Thursday on us to go looking for whale sharks.

Here a few photos of what it looks like here. Of our little house, the view from the beach bar and a cute monkey in our garden!

Monday, March 19, 2012


Been in Kenya for 2 and a half day now and I've had an wonderful time so far! Skated here for the first time today and it were great! The roads aren't that good but it works anyway. Not many people have heard of skateboarding before which is both good and bad. Tried to get internet today but we didn't had a stick to charge but we got one from Nimu that we are going to fill up later today or maybe tomorrow.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

On our way!

Just started our journey. We are right now in the car on our way to Gothenburg. We will go to Stockholm tomorrow and we fly out on friday!

Jut managed to fit everything into the car, haha! Wish us luck with getting everything down with us down!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Almost done!

Got the last skateboard things from Crille today so now I'm all set! Can't thank Crille and Riverfarm enough for all the help I got for this project!

Need to stop FOREX sometime soon to change some money. Need euros, american dollars and kenyan shilling. Will post photos of everything in a day or so!

Got a few paperwork to get done before I leave but apart from that I'm pretty much good to go!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Last few things

Getting ready for the last few things to come together. Stopped by Pinstripes the other and got sponsored with a couple of trucks and some tools. Yay! Talked with Crille today and he is arranging the last things so I will have complete boards soon.

Only got four things left on my list of what to do now:
- Learn my camera.
- Get a hold of a good movie editing program.
- Get the last of my vaccinations.
- Fill in the VISA- form.

And pack obviously..

So excited!!! Only two weeks left..

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Interview with WebTV

Click here to see me and Kez interview with Hallandspostens WebTV. (It's in swedish so if you want a translation you can e-mail me or just comment on this post).

Project Skateboard Tees

Stopped by the JoeAnday office to pick up a box filled with 50 "Project Skateboard" Tees. They were even better then I could have imagined! Really nice print and comfortable fabric, Love them! Had a chance to look at some of the other tees from JoeAnday and they were so cool. Check out their website JoeAnday and have a look!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

WebTV once again!

Rescheduled a new meeting with the guy from WebTV. Meeting him at Bunkern tomorrow!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

LBS and WebTV.. again

Talked to the headmaster today and he agreed on sponsoring me with an LBS ziphood.This is a good way of "marketing" our school in the series without having to mention it all the time. And they also look pretty damn good!

The woman from webTV had to cancel on me last week due to illness so she is coming this week instead. I'll post it on here as soon as it comes out!

Been trying to get a hold of Crille at Hollywood but without success. Going to try again tomorrow and depending of what he answer I will try to get a phone number to Streetlab in Malmö and talk with them.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Camera: Check!

I now have a camera to use for this project. I ended up with a Canon EOS 600D with a 18-135 mm objective and three memory cards (One 4 GB and two 16 GB). I think this is more than enough and I can't wait to start shooting the first episode!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Vaccinations, HP and Web TV

Last Saturday the article got posted in Hallandsposten. Will take a photo of it and put up here later this week. Last week I also got a call from them again but a woman from the Web TV department. She wanted to film us tomorrow and also talk to me about my project and the girl skate here.

Got almost all of the vaccinations I need to have done today so my arms are very sore. Only two more left then I'm done!

When I was up in Gothenburg last weekend I stopped by the store Hollywood to talk with them again about them sponsoring me but the one I talked to last time was home with a sick child so they said he would be back on Tuesday. I called them but he still wasn't there and they said I should try again tomorrow, which I will!

Haven't got a hold of a camera yet but it's on its way!

Monday, January 23, 2012

Ohana and HP

Picked up the trucks and everything that Ohana sponsored me with. Still trying to get a hold of some more trucks and since I haven't got an answer from Streetlab yet I'm going to stop by Hollywood this weekend and ask them again. I'll probably get a camera this weekend too so the first episode will be out shortly.

Today I got a call from the local newspaper Hallandsposten and they said they want to do a center spread about me and my project. Will meet up with them tomorrow, wish me luck!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Lugage, Visa and Talk

Just got out of a serious meeting with first our mentors Anna and Sara about our trip and our safety. The swedish ministry of foreign affairs have stated a risk of terror attacks in Kenya. We called them earlier today and they said that we should avoid public and crowded places but other then that there are no worries.

After that I had a short talk with our principal about insurances but there was nothing that had to be done regarding that area.

Got a mail back from Ethiopian Airlines about our lugage and they said we could check in two bags of 23 kg per person. This is really good news since I now don't have to pay any extra for our lugage.

Now, the thing to prioritize this week is to figure out how we do regarding Visa. Should we fix it before or do it there? Been up to this pint 100% sure there would be no problem to fix as soon as we get there but due to the stated terror threat I am not so sure anymore. Going to call the Kenyan ambassy in Stockholm later today and ask what they think.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Overweight luggage?

Just sent an e-mail off to Ethiopian Airlines were I ask if there is anyway for me to bring one overweight bag or two (that probably wont be overweight). Hoping for an answer soon!

Cancellation and T-shirts

Due to many circumstances I feel really bad to cancel our Nairobi trip. Were really looking forward to meet some local skaters and see the Kenyan skate scene but that will have to wait for another time.

Now for something positive! I got an e-mail the other day from a guy named Peter Mars that is launching a new brand and internet store called "Joe Anday" that will contain t-shirt and other garments. He said that he could sponsor with 50 t-shirts with the project logo on. This is amazing! The tees are a perfect thing to give to the kids!