Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Last few things

Getting ready for the last few things to come together. Stopped by Pinstripes the other and got sponsored with a couple of trucks and some tools. Yay! Talked with Crille today and he is arranging the last things so I will have complete boards soon.

Only got four things left on my list of what to do now:
- Learn my camera.
- Get a hold of a good movie editing program.
- Get the last of my vaccinations.
- Fill in the VISA- form.

And pack obviously..

So excited!!! Only two weeks left..

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Interview with WebTV

Click here to see me and Kez interview with Hallandspostens WebTV. (It's in swedish so if you want a translation you can e-mail me or just comment on this post).

Project Skateboard Tees

Stopped by the JoeAnday office to pick up a box filled with 50 "Project Skateboard" Tees. They were even better then I could have imagined! Really nice print and comfortable fabric, Love them! Had a chance to look at some of the other tees from JoeAnday and they were so cool. Check out their website JoeAnday and have a look!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

WebTV once again!

Rescheduled a new meeting with the guy from WebTV. Meeting him at Bunkern tomorrow!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

LBS and WebTV.. again

Talked to the headmaster today and he agreed on sponsoring me with an LBS ziphood.This is a good way of "marketing" our school in the series without having to mention it all the time. And they also look pretty damn good!

The woman from webTV had to cancel on me last week due to illness so she is coming this week instead. I'll post it on here as soon as it comes out!

Been trying to get a hold of Crille at Hollywood but without success. Going to try again tomorrow and depending of what he answer I will try to get a phone number to Streetlab in Malmö and talk with them.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Camera: Check!

I now have a camera to use for this project. I ended up with a Canon EOS 600D with a 18-135 mm objective and three memory cards (One 4 GB and two 16 GB). I think this is more than enough and I can't wait to start shooting the first episode!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Vaccinations, HP and Web TV

Last Saturday the article got posted in Hallandsposten. Will take a photo of it and put up here later this week. Last week I also got a call from them again but a woman from the Web TV department. She wanted to film us tomorrow and also talk to me about my project and the girl skate here.

Got almost all of the vaccinations I need to have done today so my arms are very sore. Only two more left then I'm done!

When I was up in Gothenburg last weekend I stopped by the store Hollywood to talk with them again about them sponsoring me but the one I talked to last time was home with a sick child so they said he would be back on Tuesday. I called them but he still wasn't there and they said I should try again tomorrow, which I will!

Haven't got a hold of a camera yet but it's on its way!